Understanding trends by connecting data on Unifize
Jesse Kolstad accentuates Unifize's prowess in connecting data to discern trends. With robust data integration and analytical capabilities, Unifize offers valuable insights into operational trends, paving the way for data-driven decisions at Biovation Labs.

[00:00 - 00:25]
So in my experience with a lot of quality management systems, they hold the data, but they don't connect the data. So if you wanted to, let's say trend specific ingredient, let's go back to vitamin B12. I would have to knowingly go back and look on a case by case basis. And I would, as the user and as the director have to say, I am I am trying to look at vitamin B12 from this supplier.

[00:25 - 00:45]
And it's trending test results. And more often than not, I would then look at each individual result and then I'd put it into Excel and then you do some data processing just using Excel. And I think the connectivity and the streamline trending, in my experience with most quality management systems, isn't there.

[00:45 - 01:04]
So when I say connecting things, what I mean to say is again, using B12 as the example of if I just looking at the ingredient vitamin B12, how quickly can I look at every result and how long does that take? Am I going to file cabinets, Am I going opening record of each individual record?

[01:04 - 01:31]
And what I've seen in some other systems that are out in the market is you have to pull and open each individual record as opposed to a quick dropdown that says Here's everything and connecting the raw material spec for that. Again, Vitamin B12 to each and every Lot I received and each and every result per Lot that I received, the value of being able to at a high level quickly see all of it is invaluable.

Unifize Results

Speed to compliance
Unifize accelerates compliance, delivering 10x faster regulatory approval for medical devices
Faster time-to-market
Map Unifize to your processes and streamline workflows, process automation
Fewer meetings
Less meetings with in-app collaboration, real-time updates, and decision logs

But what we've known from what I experience was, is we were able to get there with the system. We still there with the system. The system has what is needed to provide us what we're looking for, because every company, admittedly, is trying to get compliant. If we educate people, if we get people the education that they need and to get over the fear factor, I think 90% of those things can be resolved because most people will go to what they're most familiar with.What I worked with from a different company, but they're not willing to sit down and look at what the demographics are saying. People are into social media now. People are moving fast into fast paced world. But technologies are still antiquated. So there's a disconnect here, right? So while we're moving at a fast pace at home with dragging at work, so why can't we continue that speed while we at work?If your supplier has issues and you're not informed on time, you want to have an alternate supplier in place. If your suppliers are not qualified, you may not know that that needs to happen. And so when you have an integrated system that speaks to itself and is giving you all this data, you literally have the pulse of the organization in your hands as an executive at a money bound access.

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Experience the benefits of Unifize

4x Faster time-to-market

Map Unifize to your processes and streamline workflows, process automation, and prioritization

70% Fewer meetings

Less meetings with in-app collaboration, real-time updates, and decision logs

10x Speed to compliance

Unifize accelerates compliance, delivering 10x faster regulatory approval for medical devices

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