The problems Tedd faced with managing multiple quality systems
Mired in an archaic quality system since 1994, The Will-Burt Company grappled with a maze of spreadsheets and disjointed programs until Unifize revolutionized their process. Tedd Carr shares how their transition to Unifize's singular platform dissolved the cumbersome task of correlating data across five different systems, unveiling trends and accelerating efficiency in quality management.

00:00 - 00:24
So again, our quality system has been in place since 1994. We haven't really kept pace with the technology offerings that are out there. What that's resulted in is not the most efficient system and certainly not a closed loop system. We became masters at using spreadsheets. Microsoft Access, Visual Basic and different programs to help support our quality activities.

00:24 - 00:31
So having separate systems like this, it doesn't automatically tie in related issues together in an efficient manner.

00:31 - 00:49
You know, an example of getting a customer complaint or a VoC, as we like to call them, only to realize that we had an internal issue that was very similar. And then as you dig deeper, you ultimately find out that you also had supplier issues that contributed to the issue.

00:49 - 00:57
So when trying to tie in these different systems together, became very time consuming and not the most, not the most efficient.

00:57 - 01:15
It was also challenging to see the correlation between these issues as we would prepare for our management reviews, we put the data together and we would start to see trends that were there, but having the different quality systems in place for everything together. So you couldn't see those trends.

01:15 - 01:31
You know in closing, we've now reduced our number of quality support systems from what was five different systems. It's now consolidated into one platform, which is Unifize.

01:31 - 01:37
So we're very, very, very pleased with how quick and how efficient the process works.

Unifize Results

Speed to compliance
Unifize accelerates compliance, delivering 10x faster regulatory approval for medical devices
Faster time-to-market
Map Unifize to your processes and streamline workflows, process automation
Fewer meetings
Less meetings with in-app collaboration, real-time updates, and decision logs

But what we've known from what I experience was, is we were able to get there with the system. We still there with the system. The system has what is needed to provide us what we're looking for, because every company, admittedly, is trying to get compliant. If we educate people, if we get people the education that they need and to get over the fear factor, I think 90% of those things can be resolved because most people will go to what they're most familiar with.What I worked with from a different company, but they're not willing to sit down and look at what the demographics are saying. People are into social media now. People are moving fast into fast paced world. But technologies are still antiquated. So there's a disconnect here, right? So while we're moving at a fast pace at home with dragging at work, so why can't we continue that speed while we at work?If your supplier has issues and you're not informed on time, you want to have an alternate supplier in place. If your suppliers are not qualified, you may not know that that needs to happen. And so when you have an integrated system that speaks to itself and is giving you all this data, you literally have the pulse of the organization in your hands as an executive at a money bound access.

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Experience the benefits of Unifize

4x Faster time-to-market

Map Unifize to your processes and streamline workflows, process automation, and prioritization

70% Fewer meetings

Less meetings with in-app collaboration, real-time updates, and decision logs

10x Speed to compliance

Unifize accelerates compliance, delivering 10x faster regulatory approval for medical devices

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