About Efco and their products
Dave Anderson provides an overview of Efco's operations, focusing on their specialization in steel forming equipment for concrete construction projects, from stadiums to bridges. Efco, headquartered in Des Moines, Iowa, with a manufacturing presence in Georgetown, Canada, and strategic locations worldwide, serves the global construction industry. The company has transitioned from coiled to sheet steel, employing advanced manufacturing technologies. Dave highlights Efco's role in major projects, such as the Las Vegas Sphere and Dallas Cowboys Stadium, underscoring its significance in the construction sector.

00:00 - 00:12
Efco, basically what we do is we make steel forming equipment for concrete construction, and that is anywhere from football stadiums to high rise casinos on Las Vegas.

00:12 - 00:21
That I've personally experienced to bridges, culverts, we provide the formwork for those projects, concrete projects.

00:21 - 00:38
Mostly we've transitioned from coiled steel to sheet steel, and we're running production mostly with lasers and weld machines here and with form presses as well on any parts that needs forms. Just depends on what the product mix is where we have a lot of them.

00:38 - 00:54
We’re currently, I believe, in this building, we are sitting about 210-215 shop floor employees. As a whole company, the last I've heard worldwide we’re between 1500-2000.

00:54 - 01:06
We manufacture our products here in Des Moines, Iowa. And we also have a small manufacturing facility in Georgetown, Canada, that's basically producing all the Efco products available for the world.

01:06 - 01:22
And we have strategic locations throughout the world. Malaysia. Seattle, Washington. Dallas, Texas. Memphis, Tennessee. Even that Georgetown location in Canada is a warehouse as well. And Great Britain. I believe that's it.

01:22 - 01:29
Efco supplies products to big construction firms. Whatever major projects are going on, Efco is usually involved.

01:29 - 01:36
For bridge work we've done the Minneapolis bridge that not the one that collapsed but the rebuild on that.

01:36 - 01:46
Even the Las Vegas sphere, we provided formwork for that. Dallas Cowboys Stadium, AT&T Stadium, big fan!

01:46 - 01:50
We're everywhere. Wherever a bridge, - you name it, we are there.

Unifize Results

Speed to compliance
Unifize accelerates compliance, delivering 10x faster regulatory approval for medical devices
Faster time-to-market
Map Unifize to your processes and streamline workflows, process automation
Fewer meetings
Less meetings with in-app collaboration, real-time updates, and decision logs

But what we've known from what I experience was, is we were able to get there with the system. We still there with the system. The system has what is needed to provide us what we're looking for, because every company, admittedly, is trying to get compliant. If we educate people, if we get people the education that they need and to get over the fear factor, I think 90% of those things can be resolved because most people will go to what they're most familiar with.What I worked with from a different company, but they're not willing to sit down and look at what the demographics are saying. People are into social media now. People are moving fast into fast paced world. But technologies are still antiquated. So there's a disconnect here, right? So while we're moving at a fast pace at home with dragging at work, so why can't we continue that speed while we at work?If your supplier has issues and you're not informed on time, you want to have an alternate supplier in place. If your suppliers are not qualified, you may not know that that needs to happen. And so when you have an integrated system that speaks to itself and is giving you all this data, you literally have the pulse of the organization in your hands as an executive at a money bound access.

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Experience the benefits of Unifize

4x Faster time-to-market

Map Unifize to your processes and streamline workflows, process automation, and prioritization

70% Fewer meetings

Less meetings with in-app collaboration, real-time updates, and decision logs

10x Speed to compliance

Unifize accelerates compliance, delivering 10x faster regulatory approval for medical devices

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Here’s how Biovation Labs reduced testing costs from $146K to $65K in two months

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